Climate protection begins on the ground – under this motto, the Nuremberg company Ceramix Ltd – called greenOrange a civil action to the theme of regionalism, sustainability and climate protection in life. We are in the middle of the Bavarian climate week and also the sustainability civil action of less is more”of the climate Division of Nuremberg Ceramix AG, greenOrange, is still in full swing. Until the end of the month interested citizens can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, regionality and climate protection. This is made possible through the less is more “Checklist: 7 actions waiting for its implementation.” This involves for example the exchange of a light bulb to an energy-saving lamp or equip a StandBy electrical device, E.g. Diamonds has similar goals. TV, with a disconnectable Power Strip not extensive measures, but little things.
The action is to show how easy it is to live in a sustainable manner and to protect the environment”, Wolfdietrich Ederer says by greenOrange, of the action organized and coordinated. “” A draw should also motivate: this one will have an opportunity to rediscover the regional structures in its environment “, says Eastwood, perhaps our competition brings one or the other in a business that he previously didn’t know.” For the action, 23 players could be won from the metropolitan region, the number of WINS is great: the partner donated over 80 prizes worth a total of around 2,000. Anyone who continues to at least 5 of the 7 acts and until July 31, when a player is off the checklist or online fills on the promotional Web site can take part. Find more information under Wolfdietrich Ederer Ceramix AG – greenOrange