Been methodological. From the ETHNOGRAPHIC, how you can get the knowledge of this reality; Here the methodological perspective and methods and research techniques are used by the researcher in dependence of their ontological and epistemological, assumptions with which a harmonious and logical relationship. If you would like to know more then you should visit The Hayzlett Group. Three principles should be organically, impossible to analyze without taking into consideration its coherence and internal interdependence, and this is what exactly gives you a unique nature to this proposal of paradigm. In as to the classification of the paradigms is observed that there are two outside any controversy: the positivist and the constructivist, given by the own personality which gives his ontology, epistemology and methodology. However, from the theory critique of Habermas (1973, 1984, 1988), creates the so-called paradigm sociocritico, whose contact with the interpretive points made many authors consider it linked to this. Objectives General objective to propose a pedagogy of the as to the application in the training of teachers of secondary formal education of the school Superior of formation of teachers Simon Bolivar, in the Socialcomunitario approach, which responds to the integral development of subject teachers to face the new challenges of the current educational colonization. Target specific describe, the current paradigm of education Bolivian, in the system of higher education. Interpret and analyze the conceptualization of the teaching profile from of the various social proposals.
Propose a pedagogy of the as in the communal social productive community approach. Of the social community the Andean Cosmovision, nature, man, and the Pachamama (mother earth), are considered a whole living perpetually related. That whole seen in nature, is for the Andean culture, a living being. The man has a soul, a life force, do all plants, animals and mountains, etc., and being that man is nature itself, does not dominate, nor seeks to dominate. It coexists and exists in nature, as a moment of it.