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American Petroleum Institute

The oil price has barely budged until the afternoon. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The oil price has barely budged until the afternoon. As in the morning, the barrel cost US light oil (WTI) at the time just above 82 dollars; North Sea oil of Brent was a dollar more expensive. Market participants will be currently carefully. While prices increased in the meantime easily, but bounced off in the strong opposition.

New impetus could come from the U.S. stocks: today, the American Petroleum Institute (API) with its publication makes the beginning, tomorrow is the DOE’s Energy Agency. Not seldom both institutions were far apart with their results, which do not necessarily strengthens the credibility of the numbers; with the DOE data have the reputation to be meaningful. As the triggering moment for price movements in the oil market, they are always good. Analysts expect light stock gains for crude oil and dismantles the products for the current week. Possible that the effect on the market thus neutralized themselves.

And how the Publication always fails: it is against the background of high oil reserves, you are still well above the long-term average amount. The movement of the dollar, however, showed cause for the price volatility in the crude oil in recent weeks often today slightly upwards. Meanwhile, local heating oil cost today, per 100 litre batch of a shipment of 3,000 litres, the Federal average of 67,41. These are 15 cents less than yesterday. For the overall delivery, representing costs amounting to 2.022,30 euros. This is slightly lower than the monthly average of September, where the price level amounted to 67,86 euros. In the comparison of different energy sources heating oil that is still quite cheap: 33.540 kWh consumption equivalent to the energy content of 3,000 litres heating oil EL the costs for natural gas by 2.022,37 Euro increased to 2.025,80 euros, basic price and VAT are included. For an energy-equivalent amount of 4.603 litres LPG an invoice amount fell in September from 3.083,21 euros. The prices for pellets grew even the third month in a row: A supply of 6,100 pounds struck in September with 1.396,31 euros. The comparison of different energy sources is valid for September. Top news is available at the beginning of each month for the previous month with the newsletter of fuel level. The registration for this is ..newsletter easy and fast.

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