One of the most impressive stories of the classic world is the denominated Myth of the Cavern gathered in the work of Plato titled the Republic. It surprises by his depth and its present time. It has been studied and interpreted from many angles, but the aspect that now interests to us to stand out is its value in the process of waking up of brings back to consciousness.One is a description of our inner world, on the state in which the common man lives and of the way that can leave the same and rise towards states of he brings back to consciousness superiors developing the capacities that allow him to wake up to other realities. This allegory written towards end of century V principles of IV a.C, is not directed to the men of classic Greece. It has a universal and timeless value.
The human being of any interested time was written in an internal development. Plato describes an underground place to us, a cavern, that in his higher part he has an opening like exit towards the light. In order to arrive until the exit it would be necessary to cross a length and steep way. Within the enclosure he has men who are in her from children, tied by the legs and the neck so that they must be quiet and to watch solely forwards, because the ties prevent them to return the head. That is to say, they are immobilized and they only can direct his glance in a direction, towards the wall that they have opposite. In this way they are themselves forced to always watch towards the same point, never have seen nothing than he has behind them neither to right nor to left. Behind the prisoners, to certain distance, a small wall, a species of screen reasons that approximately measures the height of a man, and behind this wall, a way somewhat lifted that, like the wall, cuts the place cross-sectionally.