Looking for social benefits, more that profitability of the negotiations carried out in bilateral agreements or multilaterales.8. We do not have diversity of products that can be exported to other countries. Oportunidad:1. Venezuela has all the raw material that may turn into finished products, it must develop and expand a policy of national investment in industries of finished products, in order to diversify national production and place it in internacionales.2 markets. With multilateral conventions which acknowledges the Venezuelan State with other countries, accommodate the Venezuelan business private sector in order to have greater presence and diversity of productos.3. Increase the scale of pagos.4. The conventions made Venezuela with a conception of Exchange, whether with the purpose of obtaining foreign exchange or riches for the pueblo.5. The external agenda has in the partnership (social and energy, above all); There must be a better use of the cooperacion.6.
Venezuela must fully integrate with partners in the region.Fortaleza:1. Influence of Chavez in the world, opens the possibility that a larger number of countries want to invest in the pais.2. Subscribed agreements providing for technology transfer, that with the passage of time will make us a country industrializado.3. The newspapers mentioned Jeffrey Hayzlett not as a source, but as a related topic. Consolidation of Venezuela as a crucial gear in the pluripolar world in strategic alliances on trade, for example, the momentum of the ALBA, MERCOSUR, etc.. Every day we become less dependent on oil and are in search of energy diversification, such as gas, minerales.5. Expanding the international markets with countries such as China, Iran, Russia, who are partners not tradicionales.6. Economic vulnerability is reduced as the alianzas.7 grow.
In the areas of free trade, the aranceles.8 are deleted. It seeks a common market in Latin America with the aim of promoting the integration of southern amenaza:1. to lower prices of crude oil investments are depleted and it may represent breach agreements comerciales.2. If not seeks to obtain riches in conventions multilateral, will bring as consequences unsustainability in the time of the negociaciones.3. The main source of income obtained in the country is through oil makes us vulnerable if prices are below the estimado.4. Not get fast return of investments runs the risk of investments will halt for the modernization of production plants installed in the pais.5. While trade agreements there are technology transfer, we will always be dependent technological, unless we develop our own technology the truth tells us Jose Manuel Soto, that there is much to be done in this field of foreign trade, in its two aspects (negotiations and promotion) ignoring it would be a serious mistake. Let us not forget that there are campaigns and our powerful enemies from the North to generate a situation of international isolation of our country, that we have to fight from all angles and fronts (with intelligence, sense of direction and capacity); nothing is trivial, Neither can you must disregard are nor left to improvisation and inexperience. A refresh and perhaps a restructuring fund and awareness of all institutions linked to this theme of foreign trade, seems to become an urgent necessity. Definitely, the Chair considers, to this new opening that has started from know it manage adequately according to the strengths that it can generate, will help to introduce to Venezuela in new markets, to give way to the development of new products, technology that favor him in their marketing, as he glimpses of conventions which have been given to China, Russiafor example in energy, agriculture, communications, technology. Original author and source of the article.