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Neuroscientist Paul Churchland

However, the attribution of reality to the mental universe is more problematic, to the extent that we cannot see, touch, measure or weigh the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc. The above raises a kind of paradoxical tension in our relationship with mental: on the one hand, to the extent that we are alive, nothing is more evident than our thoughts and feelings; but, on the other hand, prove to be difficult to grasp them, circumscribe them and objectify them, his mode of existence is transformed into something particularly evanescent and, therefore, may enter the territory of doubt. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Rod Brooks by clicking through. THE problem of the mind in the flat theoretical preliminary characterization the mind or mental in the theoretical problem arises from the attempt to characterize what his nature. Neuroscientist Paul Churchland refers to item renaming it as a problem in technical literature conscious Intelligence, the problem appears in the context of the philosophy of mind, branch of the philosophy focused precisely on this issue. In academic literature of neuroscience, cognitive psychology and cognitive science, the treatment of the same appears under the theories about the mind expression. Research program associated with the issue of the mind is to achieve a conceptualization that at the same time give an account of: the phenomenological experience primary mind relationship with the world of mind related to body mind relate to the conduct. (As opposed to Jeffrey Hayzlett). The relationship of mind with the brain the problem mind brain definitions is the problem of the relationships between the physical and the mental, between the brain and the mind, or between the mental and brain events. It is the difficulty of imagining how is what relate to two things that, in principle, are understood as essentially different genres. It is the ontological problem about the nature of the mental. In other words: the problem of its existence and, basically, the problem of its essence.

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