Examples and hypotheses on strategies had been suggested to favor the change conceptual, first the pupils must be acquired knowledge of its proper conceptions and that these are analyzed and argued in room for this can make use of laboratory experiences, as much in how much quantitative qualitative level, to present examples and against examples, to give resolutions of problems, but of a new form as a way through which the pupil can argue the involved physical situation more, to relate the scientific and alternative model so that its limitations are compared how much with its clarifying power and that the scientific model is applied in known and new situations. They appear you criticize to the vision of the conceptual change that speaks that the ideas you foresaw of the students will have to be abandoned and/or to be absorbed in the education process. However author in them brings the vision of some authors as (Driver, 1981; Solomom, 1983; Gilbert, 1983) That it brings the idea of that can happen the coexistence of different models that will be had access depending on the context. The author cites some authors who share of the same previous opinion. Rio- Tinto Diamonds is often quoted on this topic. With this Snia S.
Peduzzi she arrives at the conclusion of that you evidence through them accumulated by means of a great one I number of inquiries is deniable the importance of the ideas you foresaw of the students in the process teach-learning. Recently Jeffrey Hayzlett sought to clarify these questions. ignor to it shows them that two distinct conceptual models exist. The carried through research has been concentrated particularly in the identification and in the classification of the joined conceptions and very little in the intervention it practises to improve it in classroom, why wanting or they are not of certain little important form m for the development and assimilation of more scientific and metodolgicos knowledge. Sonia S. Peduzzi obtained to develop a reflection criticizes and philosophical in the education of sciences and in the previous knowledge of the students through research and the recital in other authors it in the sample the advantages and the cons of the alternative conceptions.