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Yellow Teeth

Imagine things that I like to do like for example drink coffee, eat different foods, take coca cola, noticeably affects my teeth while I brush my teeth frequently, these drinks and food generate me spots on teeth and teeth yellow, so there are two alternatives: stop eating and drinking certain foods and drinks, or take better care of my teeth despite consuming what is mentioned and used a treatment for whitening teeth. To tell the truth I don’t want to leave the Cafe, at least while my health is not at risk, or my doctor forbid it me, is that if my health is affected by eating them, you would think seriously, on the other hand, it would seek a treatment that allows whiten teeth, preferably without visiting the dentist. I remember as a child, I am born in the 1960s, my parents I encouraged to brush me teeth with milled to whiten teeth, situation that analizandola today, deteriorating teeth when coal was not finely ground. Other methods are invited to use products such as baking, with the risk of too much abrasion damage to the teeth instead of whitening healthy teeth although something yellow or stained. Modern life gives us comfort, it is possible to find products that will assist in the maintenance of our teeth, valuable instruments of our food and excellent representatives of what somo visually.

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