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In Sagrada Solitude

In Sagrada Solitude: An encounter with Emma Bidamon The call for this encounter had been announced with certain anticipation because it was anticipated, that would accompany the disertante, a group of special guests, who would contribute, with his single presence, a frame of unquestionable legitimacy, to the development of a subject, that despite not being ignored by the contenders, it is considered that for different reasons he had not been boarded until now with seriousness and depth that by its importance deserves. It was had to us advance of which in this opportunity we would have the occasion of being able to listen a woman who had lived very particular experiences throughout her life which had passed at a time signed by mix-ups and conflicts, own of a new great nation that would be its doors to the emigration and welcomed in its sine in originating multitudes of the diverse cultures. Its history is the one of which it resists to being a mere object, a simple detail added to the events, as if its existence it would only matter in relation to its degree of entailment with the central personage of the facts, who provides to him, like reflection, certain value of reference to a being who of not mediating this bond, would happen totally unnoticed through his intrascendencia.

If some doubt we would have as far as the real meaning of this woman, as well as the one of the other women who accompany to him in this opportunity, its exhibition of reasons, its experiences, and mainly the conceptual clarity of their arguments, they would be in charge to absolutely dissipate it. These antecedents, on the life of our guest, who had gone ahead to us, as she could not be of another way, increased our expectation, seemed to us that in this opportunity, we would see arise between the shades of a badly counted history, that omitted in subtle form done that despite to be manipulated by the relatores of turn, idealizadores of the reality, were, as a flagrant evidence there, of which nothing escapes in the light of the truth, a truth so many times proclaimed and promised..

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