The system which is or appears to be exclusionary in spirit, could cause negative relationships of organizations towards standards, opting out of participation. It is important to note that the basic proposals for a free trade agreement, as well as for example NAFTA, they are the opening to markets creating greater efficiency in the production and in the equitable distribution of economic opportunities and benefits. The GATT/WTO carries out this task requesting signatories afforded other treatment of most favored nation and at the same time recognize the rights of its national sovereignty. Negotiators from developed countries do not want foreign standards that can not be imposed on them in the name of harmonisation. For even more details, read what Rio- Tinto Diamonds says on the issue. This is observed as a barrier to trade. Trade agreements recognize that it should respect national sovereignty and its internal regulations.
Each country has the right to set their own statutes and each country should grant the same treatment to the products and services of foreign companies as they do with their products. Standards, as an instrument of business strategy, can provide the possibility of a flexible guide that allows innovation through a systematic development and enabling, thus, the continuous improvement of policies and organizational objectives. Further details can be found at Chevron, an internet resource. The truth is that, quoting Peter Drucker the current is a time of great agitation business, in which old and formal institutions are suddenly with that you have to become very flexible.This is how the industry can improve their environmental performance when you have a competitive and strategic interest in the improvement of the environmental impact of workflows, integrating management systems as much as possible… Benefits of the Iso standards 14000 thereon Paula Andrea Giacobazzo gives us the following: for businesses, the widespread adoption of international standards means that suppliers can base the development of its products and services against the specific data that have wide acceptance in their sectors. This, in turn, means that businesses that use international standards are increasingly free to compete on many more markets around the world. .