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Life Partner

Remember anecdote: "One bachelor iron broke. Decided to go to a neighbor to borrow an iron. Neighbor consistency of iron to give, but because he knows that a man lives long one, decided to assist a friend. After all, as a recently asked that he kept himself to himself, and he replied: "Yes that's seeking a partner for life, but I can not find the same one to decide how to strengthen the family." That neighbor and offer to go down two floors below, where he lives a lonely cute woman. Let her ask, at the same time and get acquainted.

Who knows, maybe this dating something to grow and to create a family. Bachelor down two floors below, and he thinks: "Yes, it would be good with a good woman Dating for marriage to have. After all, had long been seeking a life partner. And if so find out … Again came home drunk? With friends spend more time than in the family! In Friendster friends in solid woman! Again fishing going? And who the door on the balcony would be repaired? Again, watch football sat! …

Maybe I zryaischu mate? "So in my mind it goes to the door and ringing. Door opens and he smiles a pleasant woman. – Yes you go … with his irons! It would not be as funny as it would be sad. For all the ever increasing number of people seeking a life partner, we are quite difficult to decide his choice, especially when the question is: What we willing to give up in their usual life, and who we really need in terms of dating for marriage.

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