I imagine that if you’re reading this article is that you need make a blog easy to do, without having any knowledge in html, or special programs, an easy to make blog is simple, only necitas attention and easy to make blog will be ready in 15 minutes or less. If we carry out the blog which can be paid or free (I recommend pay) then we wonder how to locate it in the first places, so that other people read it, engage stakeholders to convey our knowledge and help them to achieve their goals, giving them information. , in our easy to make blog. The most experienced say what to write at least 3 articles a week., that the search engines quickly positioned the contents and are dynamic. Experience tell them to do everything what I indicated as follows: the name of the blog must be the name of the product to promote. Example if I want to promote a chess board blog called checkerboard write in the article the key words the article should have relationship to the product that we promote.
Example there are specially designed lightweight wooden chess boards although there are also manufactured in plastic chessboards perform these four points and I thought now already this publicness and GUALA hundreds of people will read it and in week two others prepare more and nobody me for. Positioning not came and ask me that I did wrong, review articles, keywords and nothing of it, was all good. I’ll write more articles, should write 3 per week wrote one per day, now if nobody is going to overcome, now going to come first. Nothing happened, check keywords, place more keywords, but not passing anything, reaches a point, as boxers, I was going to throw the towel, but on the Bank of the ring hear a voice saying I followed, I followed. What is the formula, to appear within the top 10 in the search engines, as they do, mine is a blog easy to make. Searching, searching I found the formula for creating a blog easy to do and position it in the first places where later only 10 minutes and GUALA. I want to be honest with you as well as to implement this formula, not just post it on my blog but will also post it on, that it is essential for me as US aid.