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Brazilian Citizenship

Citizenship Luso-Brazilian Projecto de Formao Facts and arguments to confirm the importance of this author, in the transistion of century XVIII for XIX and the revisitao that throughout this work will become, is frequent and elucidative to be able to be studied, to be gone deep and to be implemented by the new citizen whom if it desires to construct in this work, whose support seats, basically, in four great pillars: 1) The Man in its diverse dimensions, exerted in a complex society; 2) The process of socialization with some of its more important agents; 3) The importance of the Philosophy, the Education, the Formation, and the Human Rights in the construction of the citizen and the 4) characteristics of this new citizen luso-Brazilian. It is admitted to be about a difficult work, however, stimulant and reconfortante. It has in the acadmico-scientific community of the society luso-Brazilian information elements we riqussimos and sources for research little divulged, authors of international craveira to who if it appeals and that they will be cited, with redoubled pride and respect, also contributing for its bigger spreading and enaltecimento because, it stops beyond aspects, situations and serious problems in the society that, realistic, if point, also exist excellent scientists, technician and technologies and, in the end, will appear optimum possible citizen of the world, exactly from the resources, of History, the Culture, at last, of the authors luso-Brazilians, who will be invited to argue and to collaborate in this projecto. It is valued, throughout the work, with biggest simplicity and dignity, what he is proper, preventing to fall itself in any types of fundamentalist etnocentrismos, xenofobismos and other positions. Auto-they esteem is a value that if must cultivate, go deep and divulge, exactly in the antropolgico direction of the culture and that the citizen luso-Brazilian, who is defended here, could be an example to follow. .

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