In correlation with this should be incorporated into the CPE, as a duty, an obligation to preserve and manage the conservation of the environment. Private property must always be respected, as the base engine of progress of any country. At the same time it develops a share preferably with Bolivians, their use must be programmed so that the benefit is for the entire population. Natural resources are strategic especially when they are disposed of by abusive policies and forced legal services should be nationalized to regain its economic benefits and especially the loss of national dignity. It should be the norm in the new Constitution. To avoid conflicts of interest with transnational entities, must comply with the articles on the ownership and control over our resources, which currently provides the State Constitution. Private interests should be subordinate the interests of the Republic.
The new Constitution should not assign new roles to the military, only to be modified some terms and concepts, the mission of the Armed Forces: For example add the text of Article 208 the following: “Ensuring the stability of the legal government and democratically constituted and participate in the development of the country. Moreover, the institutions that compose meet the following specialized missions: The Military Geographic Institute, will develop the fundamental mission of national cartography. The Army Engineering Command participate in the road and the country. The Armed Forces Bolivia is responsible for development of border policy. Military service should be mandatory for men and women according to law.