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Gallup Institute

A study by the Gallup Institute (1) on prosperity, stress, and welfare explores the relationship between wealth and psychological stress (defined as stress or fatigue). Basically, an individual experiences stress when states of being overwhelmed and unable to meet their expectations, objectives or needs. An unemployed person or a low income, no doubt, suffer stress because they can not meet their basic needs. But a person with an income level is high or medium susceptible to stress and mental fatigue for several reasons. Decide among multiple options causes dissatisfaction involves an overabundance wealth of goods.

It opens to a wide range of possibilities. This a priori is an advantage, it can become a source of tension for many people. The activities we undertake are varied and numerous … WE HAVE TO DECIDE. Choose from multiple options causes us stress and mental tension. The person could be indecisive and locked and when he finally chooses, has the tendency to spin. Is left wondering about the options you have left behind.

Feeling doubtful and unsatisfied, and this prevents him enjoy and appreciate your choice. What can you do? I will focus on four key. 1. Do not delay making decisions. To defer is to leave them open for later. Postponing charge your mind (because deep down we know that this topic is not resolved) and our body is full of tension (back pain, discomfort in the neck, headache, eyestrain, …). We make decisions from which we get up until we go to bed.

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