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Private Banking

Private banking in 2011: restructuring bring success private banking was long regarded as a quiet, little exciting but solid business for traditional private bankers and large commercial banks. This image since the financial market crisis is past. Due to the serious cuts on the capital market (dot-com crisis, US real estate 2008), many private banks could no longer keep pace with the more complex requirements of income and risk management. It is likely that only a few independent private banks will survive the necessary consolidation process. Also to the formerly very active foreign providers, it has become slightly quieter, but still intense competition. This will ensure in particular the initiatives of savings banks and cooperative institutions. Because at the latest since the financial market crisis are strengthened not only with confidence, but see no reason more why they can provide not the same performance for wealthy clients like the big banks on the contrary. In addition to the private banking and wealth management units of other commercial and private banks are savings banks and cooperative banks the third force, which have seen substantial inflows in 2009 in part.

You have a good starting point for the expansion of its market position due to a broad customer base, the close relationship to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and the properties estimated from wealthy customers during the financial crisis, such as personal closeness and trust. If and when foreign suppliers, UBS, Credit Suisse, Bank Julius Bar, their own structural challenges have overcome the Swiss banks about above all and their efforts set again on the attractive German private banking market, remains to be seen. These and other developments raise different questions on the importance and the future of private banking in Germany and give rise to a new location: in Germany, approximately 1.2 million people with liquid assets of EUR 250,000 or more live depending on the definition, the provider already come as private banking customers in question.

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