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The directories in Internet have passed to be everything a boom. Of a simple format different categories that can include or include any subject, these sites are making rage and receive thousands of visits and are a promotion way that is taken into account by all the webmasters in the world. The Directories often can be general or of specific subjects and to pertenercer to them is an exigency for any site that wishes to be considered, mainly when is a specialized directory. Sites as Site Sift has happened to be the favourites between the understood ones and to be placed between their sites have a cost that Standard goes between the 29,95 dollars for an annual publication, 49,95 dollars for a publication Standard although it only pays once and 99,95 dollars for an outstanding publication. Site Sift also counts on a section especially dedicated to sites in Spanish that allow to appear in this important directory. When looking for the word directories that it has more than 200 million results (in English) and directory that has 10 million results (in Spanish) demonstrate to the importance and the amount of pages dedicated to the subject. To belong to the directories is one of the first passages of all webmaster to begin with the marketing of the new site and to obtain popularity, traffic and a growth in the finders. Original author and source of the article..

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