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They had been observed, from the confectioned blades, the following characteristics: epidermises of pecolo and the foliar blade are uniestratificadas; presence of tricomas pluricellular, unisseriados; estmatos of the anomoctico type gifts in the two faces of the leaf; mesofilo with fabric palidico composed of one only layer of cells; fabric lacunoso with two cellular layers of elements of irregular forms; idioblastos I contend Drusean of oxalato of calcium gifts in mesofilo; folloied vascular beams of pecolo and medium ribbing, external to the bast, for case of esclernquima; involved vascular beams of the foliar blade for case of cells type ' ' Kranz' ' ; colnquima of the angular type, in pecolo and medium ribbing; the general standard of nervao of the species is punished, camptdromo and broquiddromo (UFLA, 2008). Results of studies of foliar anatomy have been used in the different States, generally as subsidies the studies of ecological physiology, mainly of hdrico rocking. These studies had been executed initially in carried through plants of the open pasture being later in plants of other vegetal formations (UFLA, 2008). Ahead of this fact, one concluded that the species of amarantceas and the species of other families, in general, need anatmicos studies in bigger number urgently and more detailed (UFLA, 2008). 2.4.1- Botanical material In the study of the foliar nervao, leves had been used also of herborizado material. For the characterization of the species, it was based on the works of Seubert (1875) and Smith and Downs (1972) and on the comment of units deposited in the following herbrios (UFLA, 2008). The anatmico study it was carried through in cool or settled material. The setting of part of the material was carried through in the place of colecta, being used the following fixing: etanol 70% (Jensen, 1962) and F.A.A 50% (Johansen, 1940) (UFLA, 2008). The histolgicos cuts had been carried through with the manual use of micrtomo of Ranvier and rotating of Spencer, by means of the usual technique of the alcohol etlico and xylol and treated as the process to double coloration: safranina combined with green-fast and the combination hematoxilina-eosine (Johansen, 1940) (UFLA, 2008).

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